Home » Classroom Ideas » Uniting Kids Around the World: 15 International Day of Peace Activities for Elementary Students

Uniting Kids Around the World: 15 International Day of Peace Activities for Elementary Students

International Day of Peace is an annual event celebrated around the world. It is a dedication to promoting peace and understanding between nations and cultures. Elementary students can participate in this important event by participating in peace-promoting activities. There are lots of International Day of Peace Activities for Elementary Students.

These activities teach them the importance of peace and unity in the world. There are many activities to perform, like holding a debate, writing poems, or making cards. Teachers can add them to their lesson plans to get more fruitful results.

History Behind International Day of Peace

History Behind International Day of Peace

International Day of Peace is an annual event that takes place on September 21st every year. It was introduced by the United Nations in 1981. It was nominated as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace among all nations and peoples.

The International Day of Peace promotes global awareness, tolerance, cooperation, and respect. It provides diversity amongst people from different cultures around the world.

Why is it important to Celebrate International Day of Peace with Students?

Celebrate International Day of Peace with Students
Celebrate International Day of Peace with Students

The International Day of Peace promotes global awareness among elementary students. They get the concept of peace, respect, and diversity to become responsible citizens. 

Ultimately, celebrating International Day of Peace with elementary students teaches them valuable lessons about tolerance and unity. No doubt, the learning from these Peace Activities will stay with them for the long run.


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15 International Day of Peace Activities for Elementary Students

On International Day of Peace, there are many activities for elementary students. Some of those International Day of Peace Activities for Elementary Students are discussed in this article. These will enhance the devotion of the students towards peace among the nations.  

1. Review History of International Day of Peace

Review History of International Day of Peace

Discussing the history of the International Day of Peace is a valuable activity. It helps them understand the purpose behind this special day. The awareness about the roots of the day will end nationwide conflicts among youth. This discussion can also encourage students to contribute to a more peaceful world. 

Engaging in peace activities helps students develop empathy, compassion, and respect for others. These activities can also empower students to become agents of change in creating a more peaceful world.

2. Organizing a Classroom Debate

Organizing a Classroom Debate

Organizing a classroom debate can promote critical thinking and encourage dialogue about peace. Students can assign different topics related to peace. Then they will research and prepare arguments to make their debate more respectful.

Through this activity, they will learn to express their opinions effectively. They also learn to listen to others ‘ perspectives and give them empathy and respect. This activity develops research skills and critical thinking among students about complex issues.

3. Writing and Sharing Poems

Writing and Sharing Poems

Students can participate in writing competitions to celebrate International Day of Peace. They can write or share their thoughts and feelings about peace creatively. Students can work individually or in groups to come up with poems that promote peace, love, and unity. 

The poems will be shared with the wider community in school to spread the message of peace. The most heart-touching poem writer will be announced as a winner. The school will present an appreciation prize for the winner. Such activities can help to promote peace and harmony among students. 

4. Interclass Art Contest

Interclass Art Contest 

Interclass art contests another International Day of Peace Activities for Elementary Students. This activity encourages students to think about what peace means to them. Each class can create a unique piece of artwork to showcase their talent.

The artwork may include drawings, paintings, collages, and more. It can be displayed in the school or even shared on a larger scale to spread the message of peace. Such activities help in building teamwork among students. 

5. Crafting Inspirational Card

Crafting Inspirational Card

Crafting inspirational cards is also among the creative International Day of Peace Activities for Elementary Students. It is a great way for elementary students to take part in the celebrations of the International Day of Peace. We can create cards with positive and inspirational messages. Moreover, that can also add images of peace, love, and kindness to the cards. 

We can use various materials to make their cards unique and creative. Which can create attractive designs from construction paper, markers, stickers, and glitter touch. These cards can be shared with friends, family, or even strangers to spread the message of love and sympathy. This activity teaches students about promoting a peaceful and harmonious community. 

6. Nationwide Cultural Exhibition

Nationwide Cultural Exhibition

This exhibition is another exciting International Day of Peace activity for elementary students. Schools from different parts of the country can come together in the same place. They can showcase their unique cultural traditions and promote diversity and understanding. 

Students can display their traditional clothing, artifacts, food, and music. It will let everyone celebrate the richness of many cultures simultaneously. This activity allows students to appreciate others’ norms and values. It encourages unity and respect for different cultures and traditions that promote peace.

7. Creating Paper Plate Peace Wreath

Creating Paper Plate Peace Wreath

Creating a paper plate peace wreath is a fun way to celebrate the International Day of Peace for elementary students. They can create a unique wreath with paper plates, paints, ribbons, or stickers. The wreath will promote peace and harmony among individuals. 

Students can also add inspiring quotes or messages to their wreaths. These can hang up in the classroom, school, or even at home to remind everyone about the importance of peace. It encourages creativity and the spirit of peace and harmony among young students.

8. Peace Day Writing Prompts

Peace Day Writing Prompts

Peace Day Creative Writing Prompts can help students to represent their opinions. They can express themselves as peace promoters through their influential writings. To create effective prompts, they can write inspiring stories, poems, or even essays. 

The prompts can be simple, such as “What does peace mean to you?” or “Write about a time when you showed kindness to someone.” This activity encourages students to freely deliver their thoughts creatively.

9. Dove Promise of Peace

Dove Promise of Peace

“Dove Promise of Peace” is a symbolic activity that can be done on the International Day of Peace. In this activity, students will create paper doves with their promises of peace. They make some promises to promote peace through their actions and write them on paper doves. 

They can fold white paper into a dove shape and then write their promises of peace on the wings or body of the dove. The doves can be decorated with colors, patterns, or even glitter to look more beautiful. This activity encourages students to think about how to impact the world as a peacemaker. 

10. Mindfulness Pinwheels for Peace

Mindfulness Pinwheels for Peace

This is among the best International Day of Peace Activities for Elementary Students. The activity encourages students to reflect on the concept of peace. They can express their hopes for a peaceful world through art. It involves making pinwheels with colorful paper, elaborated with messages of peace. 

These pinwheels will then be placed in a designated area to visually display peace. This activity promotes mindfulness and empathy towards others among students. It is a great way to commemorate the International Day of Peace and its values of peace among youngsters.

11. Handprint Peace Art

Handprint Peace Art

 Handprint Peace Art is an activity that expresses peaceful gestures through artwork. The exercise involves tracing the students’ hands on paper. After that, they decorate the handprints with eye-catchy materials. 

The handprints create a visual display that symbolizes peace and unity. This activity promotes creativity and artistic skills among students. It is a great International Day of Peace Activities for Elementary Students.  

12. Make a Peace Pledge 

Make a Peace Pledge 

Make a Peace Pledge encourages elementary students to promote peace in their daily lives. In this activity, students get a pledge card, where they can write down their own ideas. These ideas will present the strategy for making a peaceful environment worldwide. The pledge may include various actions. For instance, being kind to others, resolving conflicts, and standing up against discrimination. 

This activity helps students understand the importance of peace. It also empowers them to take action toward a positive change in their community. It is an effective way to celebrate International Day of Peace Activities for Elementary Students.

13. Peace Day Vocabulary Word Search

Peace Day Vocabulary Word Search

It is a knowledgeable activity to help students learn and enhance their vocabulary. In this activity, students solved a word search puzzle. These puzzles include various peace-related words such as harmony, compassion, and cooperation.

 Students are tasked with finding and circling the words in the puzzle. It is a fun and engaging way to celebrate the International Day of Peace for elementary students. The activity makes them familiar with the language of peace and unity. 

14. Learn About the Nobel Peace Prize

Learn About the Nobel Peace Prize

This learning lets students explore the history of the world’s most novel awards. The activity provides a brief overview and its past recipients to them. After that, students get engaged in a discussion. 

The discussion highlights the contributions of these awarded individuals toward a peaceful world. This activity helps students to understand the importance of promoting peace. It also inspires them to devote themselves to making the world more peaceful.

15. Peace Coloring Activity

Peace Coloring Activity

Peace Coloring is a creative and relaxing activity for elementary students. The students color the diagrams reflecting on the concept of peace. The activity involves coloring pages that feature peace symbols. Students use their imagination and creativity to color the pages using delicate designs.

It helps students develop their artistic skills and concentration on the broad goal. Moreover, promotes mindfulness and empathy towards others. It is a simple way to celebrate the International Day of Peace with elementary students.

Final Words

International Day of Peace activities for elementary students let them promote peace. These activities let them develop unity and empathy toward others. It allows them to increase their creative and critical thinking skills. 

Peace activities also inspired them to become active agents of peace. Participating in these activities, they understand the diversity of resolving conflicts peacefully. Overall, International Day of Peace activities for elementary students promotes empathy and unity for the next generation.